Modern plants can be complex, with increasingly advanced technology and more diverse processes. Connected Workforce is all about simplifying essential work, and making on-the-job learning engaging, accessible and useful while also empowering co-workers to share knowledge with confidence. If everyone in the plant can partake in valuable education, the level of professional capability will increase everywhere. This, in turn, improves performance while helping to minimise downtime.
It’s been proven that putting knowledge into immediate action makes it stick. Connected Workforce provides just-in-time learning, meaning that any worker can complete a module or watch an instruction video when they need to, allowing them to perform the task immediately after. Then it’s more likely that the next time this task needs to be done, the worker will have retained that knowledge.
Connected Workforce is engineered to facilitate communication within any plant. A plant that communicates effectively is a productive one, and being able to see the performance and status of equipment in real time is always valuable. Here are just a few features that make Connected Workforce effective:
Factory feed. This feed allows you to see updates from colleagues in one convenient flow. Co-workers can easily communicate and share knowledge, and it is possible to see where maintenance might be required before the real problems arise. It also means that the gap between shifts is minimised, as it’s easy to see what has happened previously. | Call for help. Occasionally, urgent help will be required. With ‘Call for help’, other co-workers will receive a notification and can either go to the co-worker that needs help, or even fix the issue remotely in some cases, allowing for quick solutions. |
Digital forms and checklists. Rather than relying on paper systems, digital forms help keep everything organised in a central location, while checklists make it easy to keep track of tasks to be done and training to be completed. | Converting issues to learnings. It’s possible to include functionality which allows you to convert any issue into a troubleshooting instruction, so you can work on preventing rather than curing. |
Every plant is different, so we offer Connected Workforce solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are looking for a system which can only deliver E-Learning material, or whether you want a broader platform which is more customisable and offers features such as Anytime Learning and Skills Management, we have the solution for you.
Whichever you go for, you benefit from a broader knowledge base and better performance through accessible learning and an intuitive system, and with the expanded version of Connected Workforce, you get a system that can grow with your business. Which one is right for you?
Get in touch to learn which options suit your plant the best.
Minimising downtime is essential for any plant, which is why Connected Workforce can be fully implemented from distance. If you’d rather have an engineer do the work on-site rather than remote, that’s possible. If you want the convenience and speed offered with remote implementation, we can carry out every step digitally.