UHT milk: OneStep technology

Saves up to 50% on operational costs with a lower carbon footprint

This dedicated line for the high volume production of ambient milk takes efficient production to a whole new level. By cutting down the number of processing steps in the dairy, it decreases your operational costs by 30-50%, electricty consumption by up to 44%, water consumption by up to 35%, and heat energy consumption by up to 29% – giving you a lower carbon footprint of up to 36% compared to a traditional UHT milk production line.*

Formulated UHT milk: OneStep + multistream blending

With OneStep technology, concentrate mixing and inline blending, there is no longer any need for intermediate storage tanks. As a result, the process is smooth and efficient. The foot print is smaller. There's less to clean and maintain. And best of all, a line with of OneStep technology can cut your total cost of ownership drastically.

Recombined UHT milk: batch production

Batch production is the traditional approach to recombined milk. It gives you the lowest investment cost, but the operational costs are generally high. Batch production is a great solution for small volumes. Tetra Pak can also offer this configuration with elimination of the pasteurization step.

Recombined UHT milk OneStep + multistream blending

This is the configuration that gives you everything: the lowest total cost of ownership (which means the highest efficiency). You get high accuracy, which assures consistent product quality and significant ingredient savings- Of course, you get high capacity and a small footprint. And you get exceptional flexibility.

UHT milk direct heating

Low heat load retains premium flavours

For premium or formulated products, we offer this direct UHT system. A low heat means the end product has less of a 'cooked flavour'.

UHT milk: indirect heating

Extended running times, reduced product losses

Designed for high operational efficiency, this line incorporates our effective, durable tubular heat exchangers. Optimized processes extend your running times between cleaning (CIP and sterilisation). And thanks to a shortened mix phase, the line also reduces product losses.

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* Compared to Tetra Pak conventional UHT milk production line.
Weekly volume: 1 440 000 l
Product : Milk, 1,5% fat
Capacity UHT: 15 000 l/h
Cleaning-in-Place/sterilising: 5
Line solution: From raw milk storage to aseptic tank
Fuel type: Natural gas, factor 0,202140029
Electr. emission factor: World average, factor 0,477