Shelf Stable Milk for Schools

Shelf stable Tetra Pak® cartons keep milk safe and nutritious without refrigeration, when unopened, for more than 6 months. Tetra Pak is working to extend the benefits of shelf stable milk to schools across the country, in an effort to reach a broader geography.

Why Make the Switch?

The logistic and economic efficiencies of shelf stable milk in Tetra Pak® cartons make this a smart choice for schools.
  • Reduced milk deliveries to schools lowers carbon footprints..
  • Fewer deliveries means fewer vendors coming into schools.
  • Store cartons in bulk to always have safe, nutritious dairy milk available for students.
  • Support backpack programs with safe, nutritious, shelf stable dairy milk.
  • Our cartons are made from mostly renewable resources and are recyclable.
school milk sustainability

Students Love It!

70% of students surveyed said they would embrace the switch to shelf stable cartons; they found it easy to use and it tastes great.
  • Easy-to-open package helps reduce spills and is easy to drink from.
  • No straw required, further helping reduce waste.
  • Students can safely take unopened cartons with them to enjoy during after school care or at home.

“Drinking without a straw is easy. You don’t have to worry if your mouth will fit the opening and you don’t have to figure out how to drink it.”
13-year-old student Feedback from 2018/2019 School Milk Pilot Program study
students in school milk
school milk for producers

Increased Availability

By using aseptic cartons that keep milk safe at room temperature, access to healthy dairy milk is possible at schools across a broader geography or with smaller economies of scale.

School Districts and Schools

A Timely Change

This initiative comes at a time when sustainability, cost savings, greater efficiencies and increased convenience are important to everyone.

“The school milk offering has deep institutional ruts. We need a paradigm change; a disruption with education and help to get us started. This pilot has delivered both.”

School District Child Nutrition Supervisor

Feedback from 2018/2019 School Milk Pilot Program study