Our new paper straws are recyclables and made from renewable, that come from organic plant-based materials.


►Beverage cartons with straws are accepted on equal terms as those without straws in collection

►The recyclability is confirmed by 3rdparty trials

►Recycling infrastructure and consumer behaviour enables recycling to happen

►The recycling rate for beverage cartons in the EU is 49% (2018)

Paper straws Benefits

Climate Impact

►Tetra Pak has commissioned thinkstep, a sustainability consultancy, to undertake an LCA to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts.

►The burdens associated with portion-sized pack itself have also been assessed to put those of the straw and wrapping in context.

►The study shows that the paper straw itself compared to a plastic straw (both in a plastic wrap) reduces the impact on climate change by 34%*

►When including a 200 ml portion-sized beverage carton, the overall solution’s comparison of straw combined with package reduces the impact on climate change by 3%*

Used cartons are not waste

Because it is made from renewable resources, it can be recycled with all packaging, as well as providing the opportunity to create new products.
Paper Straws Recyclable Paper