​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Unleash the power of connectivity in packaging

Give products a digital life

Every day, the packaging used to protect & preserve food and drink touches the lives of millions of people all around the world. At home, at work and on the move.

But the story no longer ends there. This paper discusses how digital technologies made possible by the Industry 4.0 revolution, are offering manufacturers, retailers and consumers new ways to connect, interact and understand how products are produced, distributed, consumed and recycled.

The food and beverage industry is increasingly using digital technologies to address the challenges it faces. Taken on their own, none of these challenges are simple to address, so when they are taken together, brand owners, manufacturers and retailers will need ingenuity and the development of new products and solutions to make progress.

Key industry challenges

  • Increasing monitoring of the entire value chain
  • Improving transparency and tracking each product individually
  • Improving quality control to reduce the risk of food safety issues
  • Connecting to consumers more effectively in new ways
  • Reducing waste and achieving true circularity
Technical paper

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Interacting with connected package

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