Quick facts

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Form Bustle is a continuous system for high-quality spray drying of heat-sensitive powders. It is typically suitable for products like WPC80, WPI, Skim milk, minerals and hydrolyzed proteins.


From 0.5 to 10 tonnes of powder output per hour.


Suitable for products like WPC80, WPI, skim milk, minerals and hydrolysed proteins. Typically integrated in a full Tetra Pak line solution including evaporation, crystallisation and powder handling.

tall form bustle
Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Form Bustle

A continuous system for high-quality spray drying of heat-sensitive powders

  • Produce non-caking and non-hygroscopic powder of premium quality
  • Tailor drying to suit your exact product needs, with flexibility in product range and powder functionalities
  • Benefit from integration in a full Tetra Pak line solution for optimal results
Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Form Bustle


Straight tube air distributor

Straight tube air distributor

Straight tube air distributor (STAD) with integrated high-pressure nozzle assembly 

  • Single or multi venturi air distributor evenly distributes drying air at relatively low pressure drop, minimising electricity consumption
  • Modular design enables multiple venturi deployments as dryer capacity increases, ensuring standardised atomisation conditions
  • Chamber roof cooling system minimises powder deposits (bearding) and prevents overheating of any deposits that do form
Swivel adjustable lances

Swivel adjustable lances

Swivel adjustable lances for improved safety

  • Easy and accurate process adjustments and enhanced operator safety through short lances and side-mounted placement
  • Each air distributor has integrated high-pressure nozzle assembly and optional fines return capability
  • Depending on required functional properties, fines separated from exhaust air can be reintroduced in the atomising zone
Tetra Pak® Shaking Bed

Tetra Pak® Shaking Bed

Tetra Pak® Shaking Bed for single- and multi-stage drying

  • Single- and multi-stage drying of agglomerated and non-agglomerated products
  • Allows gentle after-drying and after-cooling of delicate products
  • Shaking motion improves air/solids contact for superior mixing and higher thermal efficiency
  • Depending on product type, the product passes through a static bed, a well mix shaking bed and plug-flow drying and/or cooling bed
Tetra Pak® Bag Filter

Tetra Pak® Bag Filter

Optimal powder particle separation with Tetra Pak® Bag Filter

  • Separates powder particles in exhaust air of spray drying installation
  • Dislodges deposits with compressed air and pulses them into fluidising cone
  • Filtered air leaves top of bag filter via clean air side and is discharged via exhaust fan
  • Designed for maximum product yield, low emissions and competitive total cost of ownership


Middle pressure fines transport system

Middle pressure fines transport system

Middle pressure fines transport system for recovered fine powder

  • Conveys fine powder recovered from cyclone/s and/or baghouse to:
  • Dryer for entry to the atomising zone for agglomerated/instant or dustless products; or
  • Start of shaking or fluid bed for regular products and when no agglomeration is required; or
  • Discharge end of shaking or fluid bed for emptying and shut down
  • If required, the fines’ destination can be changed mid-run by valve adjustment
Multiple feed systems

Multiple feed systems

24/7 production with multiple feed systems

  • Multiple concentrate feed systems allow concentrate tanks, heaters and high-pressure pumps to be independently rotated and cleaned
  • Supports round-the-clock production if desired
  • Changeovers of lines feeding high-pressure pumps are by water flushing the feed system – a setup that eliminates product loss
  • Post-production line immediately flushed and cleaned when product diverts to clean high-pressure concentrate line
Spray monitoring system

Spray monitoring system

Spray monitoring system for full control

  • Continuously monitors spray pattern of high-pressure nozzles to ensure safe spray drying and prevent nozzle leakage or product build-up on nozzle tips
  • Consists of camera system connected by fibre optic cable to a PC monitor
  • Supports maximum air inlet temperature of 280˚C
  • Camera cooling system at top of drying chamber
Exhaust air heat recuperator

Exhaust air heat recuperator

Exhaust air heat recuperator for energy optimisation

  • Transfers energy from dryer exhaust air to dryer inlet
  • Placed after bag filter and can be combined with exhaust noise attenuator
  • Hygienic design for full cleanability and optimal heat transfer
  • Design takes account of exhaust air condensation levels

Explore our spray drying range

​​​​Tetra Pak Spray Dryer Wide Body

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Wide Body

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Wide Body

Tetra Pak Spray Dryer Wide Body provides a fully automatic and continuous spray drying system for dairy, whey and plant-based powders.

​​​​Tetra Pak Spray Dryer Tall Wide Body

​Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Wide Body

​Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Wide Body

​Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Tall Wide Body provides a fully automatic and continuous spray drying system for nutritional powder production.

​​​​​Tetra Pak Spray Dryer Prolac

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Prolac

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Prolac

Tetra Pak® Spray Dryer Prolac is a fully automatic and continuous spray drying system for milk & whey permeate powders.

Bag filters

Tetra Pak® Bag Filter

Tetra Pak® Bag Filter

The Tetra Pak® Bag Filter is tailored for specifically food applications including dairy and whey-based ingredients, nutritional products and various plant-base

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