Máquina de moldeado RMC 2 Tetra Pak®
Máquina para moldear y colocar queso mozzarella
La máquina de moldeado RMC 2 Tetra Pak® se usa para moldear los tipos de queso de pasta hilada como queso para pizza, mozzarella y provolone en una variedad de tamaños y formatos.
La máquina de moldeado RMC 2 Tetra Pak está completamente automatizada y requiere poca o ninguna intervención del operador.
Información rápida
Máquina para moldear y colocar queso de pasta hilada
1 tonelada/h (2000 lb)
Pasta hilada
The curved tubes of the moulder neck are designed with a large radius. This means the cheese follows a broad, gentle sweep, avoiding any sudden or aggressive turns that might disrupt the cheese fibres. Since the fibres remain aligned, the end product is of high quality.
Interchangable mould
The machine can accommodate a variety of moulds, and can produce different weight classes within a mould section, provided they have the same cross section. This means you can easily produce pasta filata in different shapes and sizes, weighing between 2.5kg to 5kg, and from 200mm to 600mm long. Switching from one mould to another takes approximately 20 – 30 minutes.
Note: a non-stick coating is not always required, since the release zone is heated, allowing the cheese slide out in a natural way.
Indirect cooling
Cold water is used to cool the moulds/cheese. The water is circulated inside the mould, so it never comes into direct contact with the product. This not only eliminates the risk of product contamination, but also means the water can circulate in a closed loop. No water is wasted, and the circuit does not require cleaning.
Control system RMC